Timecast: Videogames Then and Now. Vol 1
Timecast is a series of articles that explore the history of videogames and how it compares to what videogames are today. Starting at the begining of the arcade scene, vol 1 looks at the controversies surrounding both pinball and firsy person shooters; and if history is repeating itself
The Water Spirits of the East: A Collection of HP Lovecraft Interactive Fiction (Demo)
A piece of interactive storytelling/choose your own adventure fiction, based on the classic tales of HP Lovecraft.
A Song Without Words
Sheet music discarded I play freely.
The restraints of rhythm and metre tossed aside,
I begin anew.
About the Piece Oppy was a piece written in my first year of university and was one of my first sci-fi/dystopia pieces. It took inspiration

Grace Wilkinson
Narative Designer, Writer, Retro Games Enthusiast
I'm an aspiring narrative designer currently studying my Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing.
The Water Spirits of the East: A Collection of HP Lovecraft Fiction
About the Piece
This is the prototype demo piece that I made for my final year project. It is based on the two stories of Dagon and The Doom that came to Sarnath and I hope to expand and build on it further leading into pieces such as The Nameless City and more. The goal of the piece was to replicate the short stories while also combining them into a piece of interactive, choose your own adventure, storytelling that will ultimately combine all of HP Lovecraft’s stories and allow people to explore them without having to pull out a copy of the Necronomicon. Much of the story is taken from the text and I have tried to stay as true to the tales as I can while still making room for adaptation and gameplay. It’s still in the early stages of development as I was limited to a 10,000 word limit with critical reflection I would like to branch it out further and provide more choices and possibilities for interaction where I can.
To play I advise opening the window via the button in the bottom right of the game box or via itch.io at the link above.